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Bright Sparks 2nd Edition Workbook 5

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$ 8.97

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ISBN-13 9780230401228
SKU: 9780230401228 Category:

Bright Sparks is a Mathematics course for pupils in Caribbean primary schools. It has been written in line with the latest primary curriculum requirements and is based on current research in Mathematics education. Young children learn Mathematics best when they use their senses in varied activities, experimenting and discovering. The Bright Sparks series is intended to supplement and reinforce the learning first gained through practical activities. Key features include: Examples and word problems suited to the age level – Challenge boxes push students learning and are ideal for quick learners – Remember boxes highlight important facts or skills – Hint or Think boxes stimulate thinking and develop reasoning – Partner activities encourage students to learn with and from their peers – Discuss encourages students to explain their thinking and strategies – Review provides reminders and practice for all learners – Mathematical language boxes develop mathematical vocabulary – IT icons show where IT support can be found on the interactive CD-ROMs, and for calculator practice – Enrichment pages move beyond the syllabus and make connections to familiar, real-life situations – Unit Summaries highlight the key learning points in each section – Unit Checks test students learning of each topic – Assessments are provided in a variety of different forms.

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