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Live Language: A Writing & Comprehension Course for Juniors Book 1 (Copy)

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$ 6.90

Teachers looking for effective new ways to develop pupils’ writing, comprehension and vocabulary skills will welcome this innovative series of three books. Using the process writing approach, with lessons organized around themes, topics are drawn from various subject areas. Pupils are exposed to a variety of writing forms while interactive discussions develop speaking and listening skills.

This text offers a wide range of stimulus materials and creative activities that help to students’ develop reasoning and comprehension abilities. Rich literary excerpts, stories and poems are used to teach appreciation for reading and literature. The course is particularly appealing to students who enjoy the exciting, relevant content and the fresh, creative activities.

ISBN-13 9789768010643
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$ 0.00
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$ 6.90
SKU: 9789768010643 Category:
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Weight 1.3 lbs

Carlong Publishers




Elieen Marshall, Paulette Feraria

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